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Since 1985
All Products Made in USA

To go above and beyond just colors and fragrances by creating products that actually solve problems.

Discover The Hinoki Secret

Hint: It’s 2,000 years old.

Hinoki Oil has been used as a skin healing treatment in Japan and other parts of Asia for over 2,000 years. Its well-known benefits included the treatment of rashes, cuts, abrasions and various skin diseases. For most of those 2,000 years, Hinoki Oil was only affordable to Emperors and the very wealthy. Their daily ritual included pouring this miracle oil into their bath water as a cure-all skin healer. Today, Hinoki Oil is still used throughout Asia for its natural astringent quality which helps kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus on the skin.

In 1987 Hayashi started using pure Japanese Hinoki Oil in our System Hinoki Line of hair products. These four products are formulated to produce maximum benefit to the scalp from the pure Hinoki Oil. And since 1987, our Hinoki products have been used by millions of satisfied customers in more than 50 countries.

Hinoki Oil & Products Education

The Hayashi philosophy does not include product fads or short-lived trends. Our objective is to create products that accomplish three goals:


Every product has an important purpose, solves a problem and changes your hair for the better.Cleaning, conditioning, and styling are only part of the performance package.


Hayashi System products have been founded on three decades of research. We’re constantly improving them through testing, research and development.


Our complete range of hair products are designed to work in harmony with one another, so you can solve more than one problem at a time.

Giving Back

Helping those who have fallen on hard times.

Learn More About Our Favorite Local Charity

It Could Happen to Any of Us

Just when life seems good, anyone can fall on hard times. Someone should be there to help them get back on their feet again. Hayashi has donated to several charities in the past, but we’ve recently decided to focus our time, money, and free hair products to the Life Center of Littleton, Colorado. This wonderful Christian charity is located in our community, just four miles from our headquarters. They do a great service for those in need by offering food, clothing, household supplies, winter shelter, counseling, and addiction recovery. Please visit the Life Center web site using the link above.
